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Kitchen Remodeling Chicago

Kitchen Remodeling Chicago

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It is easy to look online for kitchen remodeling Chicago and get confused by the numerous different contractors who offer so many options of cabinets, countertops and so many more items. It is important that you have some basic information about what types of countertops are most common. The most popular countertop materials that are being used for most kitchen renovation Chicago projects are natural stone, concrete, plastic laminate, wood, ceramic tiles, and engineered stone, among many others. The best material for you would depend upon your factors like color, the theme of your kitchen, durability, price and also resistance to stain. Some of these have been listed below.

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If you have already started looking online for kitchen remodeling Chicago IL, chances are that you have already started thinking about remaking your kitchen, whose one of the most important parts is your kitchen’s countertop. But before you go ahead and get your complete countertop replaced, it is possible that your countertop might require just a quick repair to fix it, which could save you a good chunk of your money, if you’re on a tight budget.

Kitchen Remodeling Chicago

Small scratches and chips are easily fixable with, with kits available at most hardware stores. You could even get a repair pen that matches the color of your countertop to repair some minor scratches. These cost under $10 and could be used by you as well,  even if you don’t have a lot of experience doing the handy-work yourself.

Kitchen Remodeling Chicago

If your countertop has a lot of stains, those could easily be removed using a paste of baking soda and water. You could also try using a nail polish remover or paint thinner to get rid of some more stubborn stains. However, if you have some large noticeable cracks on your countertops, it might be time to get those replaced.

Granite, marble and soapstone are some of the most common natural stones being used for kitchen countertops. Amongst these granite is the most diverse, as it is available in a lot of different natural color options and is common in high-end kitchens. The reason for the immense popularity of granite is the fact that it is available in long slabs that could potentially cover the complete area of your required countertop region, reducing the amount of seam required, giving your kitchen a cleaner look. The material is usually coated with a sealer that makes it resistant to stains for at least five years, if not more. These usually cost anywhere between $60 to $100 per square foot of area.

Another popular option when it comes to a kitchen renovation Chicago process is a laminate countertop. These are considerably inexpensive when compared to granite and other stone materials and you can also go crazy with the wide range of customizations you are offered with these. However, since these are not so expensive, their quality is usually compromised and hence, they easily get scratched or chipped, and could require a replacement sooner than later.

Kitchen Remodeling Chicago

When you hear concrete for your countertops, it is easy to get confused with the rough material that you are used to seeing outside or on your walls. However, when it comes to being used during your kitchen remodeling Chicago process, these are some of the most beautiful materials you could possibly find. Since these are basically custom made, you could truly customize the complete countertop to your preference. From choosing the right color to be added, to embedding pieces of glasses and tiles, you could do it all. However, these could take a while to cure and are not a day’s job worth. Also, since these are porous, they need to be constantly resealed to avoid stains as well.

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